Lower bound on frequency validity of energy-stress tensor based diffuse sound field model. Aidan Meacham, Roland Badeau, Jean-Dominique Polack. Presented at and published in the proceedings of ICA (Aachen, 2019).
A lower bound on the frequency validity limit is established for an energetic wave equation derived from the energy-stress tensor, examined in the one-dimensional case [Dujourdy et al, Acta Acustica united with Acustica 103:480-491, 2017]. In practice, the bound is encountered when determining the absorption and diffusion coefficients by iteratively approaching the temporal and spatial decay of measured data.
Implementation of sources in an energy-stress tensor based diffuse sound field model. Aidan Meacham, Roland Badeau, Jean-Dominique Polack. Presented at and published in the proceedings of ISRA (Amsterdam, 2019).
An implementation of acoustic sources is developed in the context of an energetic wave equation derived from the energy-stress tensor, examined in the one-dimensional case [Dujourdy et al, Acta Acustica united with Acustica 103:480-491, 2017]. Compared to initial condition formulations, an explicit source term enables realistic modeling of complex sound sources with the possibility of spatial changes in time. A finite volume time domain (FVTD) approach is utilized to lay the groundwork for future extensions to three dimensions.
Room impulse response synthesis with device diffraction via image source method and finite element analysis. Aidan Meacham, Andrew Unruh. Presented at 174th Meeting of the ASA (New Orleans, 2017).
A method for creating reproductions of reverberant soundfields on the surface of devices through the combination of image source methods and finite element analysis based on directions of arrival and precomputed datasets.
The Laptop Accordion. Aidan Meacham, Sanjay Kannan, Ge Wang. Presented at and published in proceedings of NIME (Brisbane, 2016).
Designed and implemented digital instrument leveraging laptop cameras as a tracking device for the opening and closing of a laptop lid, an analog for the squeezing of an accordion bellows.
Digital Waveguide Network Reverberation in Non-Convex Rectilinear Spaces. Aidan Meacham, Lauri Savioja, Sara R. Martin, Julius O. Smith, III. AES eBrief, presented at 141st AES Convention (Los Angeles, September 2016).
Preliminary exploration of extension of DWNs allowing for diffraction, room coupling, multiple sound sources, and binaural output in a very lightweight soundfield representation. Implemented in C++ with JUCE.
Works under Consideration
None at this time.