
Interactive tutorial

Getting started with git

Make a project directory

Initialize a repo

Add content

See what git sees

Stage files to be added / updated

git add hello.sh

Other wildcards:

Ignore files

Take a snapshot

Make a change

Test it and see what changed


History and ancestor comparisons

Going back in time

DANGER ALERT: If you have uncommitted changes in your working directory, the following commands can destroy them, leading to lost work. Make sure you git status to make sure your working directory is clean!

Reverting a change

Working with remote repos

Adding a remote and pushing

Make a new bare repo on GitHub

Make a change and send to remote

Pulling from a remote

Initializing a repo from a remote

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This page was automagically generated by GitHub Pages from a repo that you can find here. You can see the license for this page below.



GitHub “Fork and Pull” Model

We’ll do this live!


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.